• Develop an integrated solution that allows the identification and correction of defects in glue beads, in real time, for all produced parts
• Innovative solution with high cost-benefit, robustness and customization
• Detection and diagnosis of machine failures
• Improvement of the production processes used in the national industry
• Extend Introsys offer of quality control systems for the industry
• Increase the competitiveness of Introsys industrial customers
• Promote technological transfer between academia and industry
• Contribute to the spread of ICT in the national industry
• Contribute to the creation of high-skilled jobs
Projecto See-Q
Project Activities
System Requirements and Architecture Definition
Demonstrators implementation and validation (TRL5-6)
Pilot line implementation and validation (TRL7-8)
Project Management
• Implementation of two typologies of automated glue bead inspection systems: one during the glue bead dispensing other after the process, for all produced parts, automatically
• High performance solution capable of detecting the most typical defects in glue beads: narrowing, enlargement and correct positioning
• Integrated statistical analysis tools for all collected data
• Automatic diagnosis of the equipment status through historic data processing
• Automatic correction of the correctable bead defects
Both developed demonstrators allow the deposit of glue beads and the testing of the developed solutions, namely identification and correction of bead defects. Although in laboratory environment, both demonstrators represent a very close to industrial reality.

The pilot line with the Isent® system was installed on the production line of the MPV, more specifically at the tailgate compartment in the Volkswagen Autoeuropa bodyshop area.
In order to disseminate the project results, Introsys was present at the following events:
EMAF 2018
We are cobots 2019
Mostra 2019—fazemos-portugal/10251.htm
Innovation day Volkswagen Autoeuropa
Open class at Universidade da Extremadura
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
2nd Industrial Maintenance Meeting
Public presentation at CEI
Contacts and Location
2950-805 Quinta do Anjo, Portugal
Castelo Branco Delegation
Av. do Empresário 1,
6000-767 Castelo Branco, Portugal
GPS: N 39°48’51.8 W 7°30’24.1
+351 212 951 499
Call to national fixed network